Corporate Social Responsibility




The Riquelme Group's Corporate Social Responsibility strategy is possible through programs, projects and alliances that seek to generate shared value through its businesses, and has as its main axes:


“Oñondive Ikatu Program – Together we can” focuses its actions on improving the quality of life of employees through corporate volunteering, diversifying family income sources, covering the housing deficit, zero tolerance towards violence against women, care and protection with health security measures, among other axes.

Community and Environment

The Riquelme Group seeks to generate value and have efficient environmental management, conserving and caring for the environment, as well as contributing to the development of the communities where it operates through projects that address the axes of education, environmental care, health and nutrition. These actions are promoted in alliance with different actors such as companies, NGOs, the public sector, among others.


Through alliances with organizations and unions, the Riquelme Group seeks to promote the improvement of the quality of life of employees and their families, good business practices, and expand the impact of CSR programs, contributing to the development of the country.