“Oñondive Ikatu Program – Together we can” focuses its actions on improving the quality of life of employees through corporate volunteering, diversifying family income sources, covering the housing deficit, zero tolerance towards violence against women, care and protection with health security measures, among other axes.
The Group's collaborators said “YES” to the most humane act of all, that of donating blood. In support of the Blood Bank of the Social Security Institute, several blood donation days were held through the internal program “I am a donor.”
In search of providing the dream of their own home to its collaborators from the Group's various business units, an alliance agreement has been signed with the company Propio with the aim of providing low-cost housing solutions. cost and easy payments.
In addition, there is a second housing alliance with the organization Habitat for Humanity, continuing with the program called “Together for your Home” that seeks to provide solutions for improvements and access to housing with flexible financing conditions for Group collaborators.
The Riquelme Group seeks to generate value and have efficient environmental management, conserving and caring for the environment, as well as contributing to the development of the communities where it operates through projects that address the axes of education, environmental care, health and nutrition. These actions are promoted in alliance with different actors such as companies, NGOs, the public sector, among others.
Within the framework of the 2022-2023 Solidarity Roundup, Cadena Real S.A. and Aldeas Infantiles SOS Paraguay have signed an alliance agreement for the rounding of solidarity change for Supermercados Real customers. The objective of this initiative is to improve the physical and mental health of more than 190 boys, girls, adolescents and young people who participate in the social programs of SOS Children's Villages in Asunción, Luque, San Ignacio and Hohenau.
Donating money from customers will allow these children to receive the medical treatments they need to improve their health and quality of life. This includes general medical, psychological, neurological, psychiatric and physical rehabilitation care.
The Small Producers Fair, organized by the Real Supermarket Chain, within the framework of its Corporate Social Responsibility program, in agreement with the Vice Ministry of MSMEs of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, seeks to empower entrepreneurs in Asunción and Greater Asunción to through retail spaces in Real Supermarkets, on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
The objective of this Fair is to provide support to entrepreneurs, artisans and local producers through strategic spaces for the display and marketing of 100% national products.
The Fair offers more spaces and opportunities to new producers, with diverse presentations and outdoor activities. They will be held every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.; and they will have a weekly rotation in the Supermercados Real branches, alternating between Fernando de la Mora, Capiatá Ruta 1, San Vicente, Acceso Sur and Ñemby 2.
Through alliances with organizations and unions, the Riquelme Group seeks to promote the improvement of the quality of life of employees and their families, good business practices, and expand the impact of CSR programs, contributing to the development of the country.